NEWS Bishop Seamus Heggarty of Derry will be the main concelebrant at this year's
annual Irish Famine Commemoration Mass to be held at Carfin Grotto on Sunday
21st September at 3pm. Bishop Heggarty is a native Irish speaker originally
from Donegal and like many in Ireland's most northerly county, has several
relations living in the Glasgow area. The Mass will be concelebrated with
Motherwell's Bishop Devine and Fr Sweeney of St Patrick's Coatbridge, a
member of the committee. Other priests will also be in attendance. Since
the long over due monument was unveiled by Bertie Ahern amidst much
newsmaking in 2001, the Irish site at Carfin has drawn thousands of visitors
who have paid respect to those who died as a result of the Famine but also
as a reminder to many of their own roots in Ireland..........
New feature check the Davitt page for current standings and the league page for the new look table. If you want your results recorded please forward match reports with scores to be included to me at.
Were you involved in the GAA in Scotland during the psst 20 years or before. What role did you play? A reunion of past players, supporters, mentors and officials to celebrate 20 years since the revival in Scotland is being organised, starting with an informal get together on the day of the National League Final. Interested? Contact either Anne Marie Miller or Charlie McCluskey on the E-mail addresses on the HOME PAGE. It is planned to organise a number of events culminating in a formal Social Function early in 2004.
Paddy Mullen (referee)and Frank McAveety (scottish minister for sport)meet up with Anne Marie Millar(county sect)and Charlie McLuskey(county chair)before the Mulroy and Duneedin final.(see championship page for more picts and score)
Cathaoirleach:Cathal Mac Bhloscaidh(Chairperson) Charlie Mc Cluskey email chas.sans.mccluskey@bushinternet.com
Runai : Aine Maire Ui Muilleoir (Secretary)Anne Marie Millar email annemariemulroygaels@hotmail.com
Have your say on the new message forum on the contact/forum page!
A Brief History of the G.A.A. in Scotland
In the seventies the GAA in Scotland went through a period of decline but in recent years there has been a resurgence in the game and has seen it spread from Glasgow to Coatbridge, Dundee, Edinburgh. The sucess can be put down to those who make great sacrafice to establish teams in the various areas and the uptake of the game by the local Scots who have adopted Gaelic Football and supplimented the Irish players in the teams.
The introductiion of Underage Football, Camogie, Hurling and Womens Football will give our Games a secure footing for the coming years.
At the moment in Scotland there is a great emphasis on the Development of Undergae Football, Camogie, Hurling and Womens Football and a number of possitive meetings have taken place and we now find ourselves at the stage of putting together Promotional Packages so that we can distribute them into Primary Schools, Colleges and Univesities to promote the game further and thus develop Gaelic Games in the the wider community.
Your county badges and details
Click the link below to view all G.a.a county details.